If you’re spending countless hours and marketing dollars on search engine optimization for your plumbing business, but not seeing the desired results, you’re probably frustrated and wondering what in the world your competition is doing that you’re not. Well, first of all, you should know that you are definitely not alone. Businesses come to us with this concern often, and plumbers in particular struggle to outrank their competition simply due to market saturation. Because there are so many plumbers competing for that top spot, it becomes an even more difficult goal to achieve. With that in mind, let’s take a look at some common SEO factors and how they may be helping or hurting your plumbing business.


First and Foremost: Understand the Benefits of Local Listings for Plumbers.


Google certainly knows how to keep a secret, especially where its proprietary algorithms are concerns. However, some of their practices are made quite public. Google wants your plumbing business to do well just as much as we do. So, when they spell something out as plainly as they have done with their local listings service, it would be silly to ignore that.



The outstanding benefits of using Google’s local listing service include:


  • It gives your plumbing business a presence, right where your customers already are.
  • It can be updated on short notice, even for small changes, such as deciding to close early on a particular day.
  • You can add photos, videos, and other media right there in the listing.
  • While you may pay for management of the listing, the listing itself is free.
  • You can attach coupons and special promo offers to your listing.


This is just the beginning. For your purposes, perhaps the most important benefit of local listings is that it gives your SEO a boost. It tells Google more about you and the plumbing services that you provide, which makes it easier for the search engine to index your website appropriately and serve it to the people who matter most.


Why Your Competition is Beating Your Google Ranking

You could drive yourself crazy with all of the details that go into achieving that top spot on Google. Unfortunately, there’s no magic formula here. The fact is that if your competition is owning that first page, they’re probably making the necessary investment in online marketing. They’re following all of the “rule” of SEO: they’re blogging like they should, doing keyword research and writing well-planned, thoughtful content. They’ve also gotten to know their target consumer, and they’ve created a strategy specifically geared toward that group. Their marketing team has created a link-worthy website with punchy headlines that people want to share. We could go on, but you certainly get the point. Your competition is beating your google ranking because they want to – it didn’t happen magically.


If your plumbing business needs help outshining the competition in the Google search engine rankings, we can help. Our SEO experts are highly experienced and always up-to-date on the latest SEO tools and techniques.  Contact us for a free consultation today!