What you need to know

Recent cyber-attacks on the Microsoft Exchange Server have been escalating at an alarming rate. These attacks started with the Chinese state-sponsored hacker group Hafnium, but it seems other groups have started to join in the malicious effort.

Microsoft has been rolling out patches to protect customers from vulnerabilities that are actively being exploited. Exchange Server 2010, 2013, 2016, and 2019 are all being updated. Exchange Online is reportedly fine at this time.

How to protect yourself

Microsoft is putting out updates, but they can’t protect you if they aren’t installed. We recommend running this Health Checker script to check if you are behind on any updates.

Government, manufacturing, financial services, and software vendors are being targeted and are particularly at risk.

Image from: https://www.zdnet.com/article/microsoft-exchange-server-hacks-doubling-every-two-hours/

Unpatched systems could be used for ransomware deployment and data theft and the number of attacks exploitin

g these vulnerabilities is increasing heavily. Attempts have even been doubling every two hours in the past few days.

Extra assistance is available

This increase in cyber-attacks is so serious that it has caused the Biden Administration to create a task force to investigate the issue. These are unprecedented times for cybersecurity.

If you are worried about your systems or you are a Realnets customer and would like more information please reach out at 866.216.6904 or message us for consultation.

Helpful information:

This script can be used to check for vulnerabilities.


More information on the Microsoft Exchange hack.


More about the Chinese state-sponsored hacking group Hafnium.


About the Biden task force investigating these attacks.
