When we are talking about access control, the choice between traditional keycard entry systems and biometric access solutions is a critical decision for businesses seeking to enhance security. Each option comes with it’s own set of advantages and considerations. 

Lets explore the comparison between entry and biometric access systems to help your business make an informed decision for your organization. 

A Trusted Classic: Keycard Entry Systems:


    • Ease of Management: Managing access privileges with keycard systems is straightforward. Cards can be easily programed or deactivated as needed, providing efficient control over user permissions.
    • User Friendly: Employees are familiar with keycards, and the transition to a keycard entry system is typically smooth. Training requirements are minimal, making it that much easier to implement into an employees day-to-day. 


    • Security Vulnerabilities: Keycards can be lost, stolen, or duplicated, potentially compromising security. Regularly updating access codes and monitoring card usage is critical to mitigate these risks!
    • Limited Verification: Keycards rely on something the user posses, not necessarily who the user is. This leaves no room for personal identification; it can be anyone. This poses challenges in particularly high security enviornments. 

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Advancing Security Measures: Biometric Access Systems: 


    • Enhanced Security: Biometric systems offer a higher level of security by relying on unique behavioral characteristics such as fingertips, iris scans, or facial recognition. 
    • Non-Transferable Credentials: Biometric data is inherently tied to an individual, reducing the risk of unauthorized access through lost or stolen credentials. This ensures a reliable access control mechanism.
    • Improved User Experience: Biometric access eliminated the need for physical cards or keys, providing a seamless and convenient user experience. Users need to present their biometric data for authentication. 


    • Privacy: Collecting biological data such as biometric data is subject to raise a privacy issue. Organizations must comply with relevant regulations and implement secure storage practices to address these concerns. 

Making the Right Choice

Making the right choice between keycard entry and biometric access systems is crucial for the security and success of your organization. With Realnets as your partner, you can confidently navigate the complexities of access control, implementing solutions that provide a defense against potential threats while aligning with your budgetary considerations and operational needs.


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