has named Realnets on their list of best MSPs. Congratulations to our team for all their hard work and dedication to upholding our high standards.

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Realnets is a Chicago-based technology solutions company that focuses on building long-term relationships with their clients. They provide round-the-clock support to prevent system failures coupled with skilled IT management services that cover security, data protection, and hardware issues.

Realnets works primarily in the financial services, consumer products and services, and manufacturing sectors, for whom they provide IT managed services, cloud consulting and SI and IT strategy consulting. They also offer a service called PropTech by Realnets, which has, according to the company, revolutionized the way buildings are managed, bought, sold and used for both residential and commercial use.

Realnets focuses on becoming your business’s IT department, with unlimited monitoring and both remote and onsite services for every eventuality, from auditing your company’s workstations and servers to ensuring that firewalls are current and functioning properly. They have extensive experience in heavily compliance-driven industries such as finance and healthcare.

What Customers Are Saying

Realnets excels as a project manager and IT partner, say its customers. Most important, they give peace of mind regarding IT processes and systems to their clients. “They bring our team a sense of security because someone is watching our network. I can come to work confident in our systems and my team’s ability to work without having to deal with security threats.”