If your business has a presence on the web, then Google Analytics is a must. Not only does it provide insights into the performance of your website and the effectiveness of your content, but it also helps you stay ahead of the curve when it comes to common site issues.

Specifically, Google Analytics is great at helping you:

  • Monitor your marketing efforts for what does (and what does not) work.
  • Get insight into your web design and how that may (or may not) appeal to your target audience.
  • Monitor the functionality of your site and get data that might indicate issues with your overall user experience.

You’ll need to know which Google Analytics red flags to watch for, of course. Let’s take a look.

High Bounce Rates

Today’s web users are in a hurry – there’s no doubt about that. You may also find that your industry, site content, or marketing objectives don’t call for users to stick around long. In nearly all cases, though, a high bounce rate is a pretty good indication that there is something about your site that is putting visitors off.

Bounce rate refers to the number of users who leave after only visiting one page, meaning they either clicked the “back” button or exited their browser altogether. Obviously, that’s not a good sign. So, if you think you may have a high bounce rate, it’s time to take a closer look.

Low Session Duration and Time Spent Per Page

When you want to know how long users are staying on your website, the key metrics to watch are average session duration and average time on page. Respectively, these two metrics refer to how long a user spent on your site as a whole and how long a user spent on a particular page.

If one or both of these two factors are low, take a look at which pages have the shortest “time on page” and start there. Like most aspects of your business, your site content takes effort, and you should be prepared to let it evolve over time.

There are several other metrics in Google Analytics that will help you improve the quality of your content and increase conversions. If you’re feeling stumped by all of that data, though, you’re not alone. Contact a member of the Realnets team to learn how we can help you refine and improve your company’s online presence.